Are you looking to strengthen your Laravel website’s accessibility quickly? Skynet Technologies has developed an All in One Accessibility widget, which works well for your Laravel website. It will just take 2 minutes of installation to enable web accessibility on your Laravel website as per WCAG 2.1 standards. By making your Laravel website accessible, minimize the risk of lawsuit issues. The Laravel All in One Accessibility widget's free version makes your website compliant up to 20%; while the Pro version (annual subscription required) makes your website compliant up to 40%.
All in One Accessibility widget is based on assistive technology that helps organizations to enhance the accessibility and usability of any website. This interface allows users to select available accessibility features as per their needs and peruse the content. It works magnificently on both custom and template-based websites.
How to install Laravel All in One Accessibility widget on your website?
Set up All in One Accessibility widget on your Laravel website using following installation guide:
Get A Free Version (23 features)
Go to, Click on "GET FREE VERSION".
Sign Up, Fill your name, work email, and website URL.
After that, you will get an email of one liner code with instructions to install the free version of All in One Accessibility widget.
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